Posterpreise der DGE

Die DGE vergibt anlässlich des Kongresses für die 10 besten Poster-Präsentationen jeweils 500 € Preisgeld. Voraussetzung ist die Teilnahme an der Poster Session.

Eine unabhängige Jury wird die Preisträger im Rahmen der Poster Sessions am Mittwoch und Freitag Abend auswählen.


Gewinnerinnen und Gewinner der Posterpreise

Endokrine Tumore
Abstract 175
Annie Mathew
Bone Metastases in Patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: Prevalence and clinical relevance

Diabetes und Stoffwechsel 2
Abstract 156
Bettina Schuppelius
Effects of dietary fat intake on glucagon levels in healthy lean subjects

Nebenniere 1
Abstract 188
Thomas Marchant Seiter
Immunophenotype and immune function in patients after bilateral adrenalectomy due to Cushing's disease compared to patients with Addison's disease

Abstract 32
Manuel Gado
Prevention of glucocorticoid-driven metabolic dysfunction through physiological and pharmacological stimulation of the beta3-adrenergic receptor

Calcium und Knochenstoffwechsel
Abstract 81
Lisa Burkhardt
Bone marrow adipose tissue: Nutrient metabolism and immunomodulation during bone maintenance and regeneration

Abstract 112
Sonja Siegel
Stable patient-doctor interaction and adequate disease education are of utmost importance for patients with acromegaly

Nebenniere 2
Abstract 107
Charlotte Steenblock
Development of adrenal 3D spheroid cultures: Potential for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency or neurodegenerative diseases

Schilddrüse und Varia
Abstract 178
Viktoria Köhler
Thyroidal ACE2 protein expression and thyroid function tests in patients with COVID-19: a prospective cohort study

Reproduktion und Wachstum
Abstract 29
Annika Missel
The molecular signature and plasticity of human testicular peritubular cells revealed by single-cell analysis

Diabetes und Stoffwechsel 1
Abstract 82
Alba Sulaj
A six-month periodic fasting reduces microalbuminuria and improves metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy: a randomized controlled study